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Let It Echo sponsored our first 3 kids' surgeries!

January 25, 2023

The heart and soul of Let It Echo (LiTE) is being a support group. Because we are a group of parents whose children have Congenital Heart Defect (CHD), it comes natural for us to support each other by sharing our stories of victories over the struggles that we encounter. We use our voices, social media, Facebook groups to interact, find or give motivation and even comfort. Let It Echo does not (yet) have the financial capacity to sponsor surgeries of kids with CHD although that would be a great added value to what we can do.

This Christmas, LiTE had received a good sum of donations and we are very happy to give it back to indigent kids in Cebu who need help in their surgery cost. The surgery is made possible in partnership with Rotary Club of Cebu and Gift of Life International, and De Los Santos Medical Center. We are happy to announce that Sam, Ciaz, and Divine each received their much-needed heart fix on January 18, 2023. They had PDA device closure through interventional cath procedure. As of this writing, they are recovering well and are on their way back home to Cebu.

To know more of how to help, go to Let It Echo|How to Help

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