Essential Questions to ask your Pedia Cardiologist after Surgery
Published on January 29, 2024
As a parent, we are overwhelmed by happiness that our kid had survived his/her heart surgery. "At last, our kid will be okay!" However, there are important questions to ask and information that we need to know from our doctor to educate ourselves of the aftercare.
How long is the expected stay in PICU or NICU?
Are there other surgeries needed?
Taking a bath, Wound care instructions and how often?
Is there going to be pain? For how long will there be pain? What to do when pain is felt?
Are there other things to avoid?
exposure to sunlight?
swimming in the pool? lake? sea?
sport activities? running and playing?
carry backpack school bag?
food to avoid?
If you're a woman at your teens and just had heart surgery, ask if you can get pregnant? When can you get pregnant?
We have prepared a Post-op Care for Open Heart Surgeries of Children in our FB Album(link) but this was done in 2018 yet. You should always listen to your pedia cardiologist for updated instructions.
Other References and good reads: