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Let It Echo (LiTE) celebrates 10 years! <3

Let it ECHO (LiTe) celebrates 10th year anniversary on April 24! 🎉🎉 We have come a long way.

As the Zyrus’ grandmother would describe it, “you are the hands & feet of our Lord Jesus Christ for whatever you do to the least of my brethren, you are doing for me”

We are each other’s strength. We are each other’s guide. We hang on because together, we are stronger.

We have helped more than 300 kids with congenital heart defect find their much-needed surgery to fix their hearts through our service and guidance, and the partnership we have formed along the way.

LiTE also sponsored for the surgery costs of the first 3 kids from Visayas and Mindanao. We are praying for constant benefactors so that we can pay for more kids. Please donate one time or periodically through PayPal or bank deposit by visiting How to help the cause.

Our Let It Echo Heart Families group now has 1,800+ members and its members are actively helping each other through the Facebook platform - groups and messenger.


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